TSSA Annual Public Meeting 2024

Industry: All Industries

Category: TSSA News

Sep 25, 2024

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Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) held its 2024 Annual Public Meeting (APM) and Safety Awards Presentation on September 19 in Toronto. 

Chair of the Board of Directors, RJ Falconi, remarked on TSSA’s transformative journey over the past six years which has led to solid footing for the years to come, highlighting collaborative safety achievements from the past year and outlining its priorities for the coming year. He welcomed the new leadership of Glen Padassery who succeeded Brian Chu as Vice-Chair, introduced all the members of TSSA’s Board of Directors including new Board member Ray Mantha and acknowledged Angela Byrne, outgoing Safety Risk Officer, for her dedication to public safety over the past five years.  

Falconi also welcomed Ontario’s Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement, Todd McCarthy, who graciously attended to address the audience and thank the TSSA team for its dedication “ to upholding Ontario's peace of mind.”

Bonnie Rose, TSSA’s President and CEO, provided an update on the progress TSSA has made in the first year of its new Strategic Plan. She also explained key areas of focus for the current fiscal year. Bonnie acknowledged the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), Statutory Directors, Chairs of TSSA’s Advisory Councils and the entire TSSA team for their ongoing commitment to public safety. Bonnie and the ELT welcomed and addressed questions from the audience (live and virtual).

The meeting concluded with the presentation of TSSA’s Safety Awards 2024, honouring Andreas Tanzer and Modern Niagara Group Inc. as recipients of the Legacy and Impact awards, respectively.

Watch the video recording of the APM live event.