Contractor Registration and Certification

Most fuels regulations call for contractors in Ontario to be registered by TSSA and fulfill specific regulatory requirements.

TSSA licences fuel facilities, registers contractors and certifies tradespeople who install and service regulated equipment.

A contractor is a business that is engaged in providing services related to specific technical fields, including heating fuel, petroleum, natural gas, propane, motor fuel, and hydrogen fuel. These services often involve construction, maintenance, installation, or repair of equipment, systems, or infrastructure.

Contractors play a crucial role in ensuring that various projects and operations are carried out in compliance with relevant technical standards and safety regulations. They are responsible for delivering quality work while ensuring the safety of their employees, their clients, and the public.

A registered contractor is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Technical Standards and Safety Act, all relevant regulations, and all applicable safety orders and guidance. 

Each technical field mentioned above requires a separate contractor registration by TSSA.   

Contractor Registration

If you are a fuels contractor or contracting company, you can become authorized by obtaining a registration with TSSA to install, operate and maintain regulated equipment across the province. Visit the TSSA Client Portal to apply.

If you are a fuels contractor or contracting company, you are required to ensure the Fuels Safety Technicians that you employ to do work on regulated equipment are properly trained and certified. Visit Certification: Fuels Safety Technicians. For more details, visit O. Reg. 215/01: Fuel Industry Certificates.

Note that a person who is not performing work themselves might still be considered a contractor. For example, if a contractor agrees to perform work for a customer and then sub-contracts the work out to another contractor, both contractors would have to fulfill the appropriate registration and certification requirements.

Certificate Holders

A certificate holder is an individual who has been granted a certificate by TSSA after demonstrating their competence and knowledge to do work on regulated equipment. 

In regulated industries, a certificate serves as a formal recognition of the certificate holder’s ability to perform certain activities or operate specific equipment within a regulated industry, and that the holder has met the necessary requirements and is authorized to carry out certain tasks or operations.

Registered fuels contractors are responsible for hiring the appropriate certificate holders for the type of work they are performing.

Contractor Audits

Contractors in Ontario are subject to audits conducted by TSSA. TSSA conducts two types of contractor audits: the Heating Contractor Audit Program and the Petroleum Contractor Audit Program. Both programs are developed to ensure that contractors understand and comply with applicable safety regulations, codes and procedures in Ontario. For details, please visit the Heating Contractor Audit Program or the Petroleum Contractor Audit Program.  

Site and Equipment Licences

A licence holder is an entity that has been granted a licence by TSSA to own or operate a regulated device within Ontario.

Holding a valid license indicates that the entity has met the qualifications and requirements set forth by TSSA to carry out their designated activities safely and effectively.   

For more information, see Apply for an Initial Licence.