Examinations: Disability Accommodations

TSSA is committed to ensuring that persons with disabilities have an equal opportunity to become certified to work in TSSA-regulated occupations.

The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) is committed to ensuring that persons with disabilities have an equal opportunity to become certified to work in TSSA-regulated occupations.

TSSA recognizes its obligations to accommodate persons with disabilities under the Ontario Human Rights Code and is committed to ensuring that its certification practices meet the needs of all qualified candidates wishing to take the required examination(s) for the appropriate TSSA-issued certificate of qualification.

All examination accommodation requests are evaluated in accordance with TSSA’s internal Examination Disability Accommodation Policy.



“Disability” has the same definition as in the OHRC, which is:

  • any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device,

  • a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability,

  • a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language,

  • a mental disorder, or

  • an injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 

Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC)

“Ontario Human Rights Code” or “OHRC” mean the Ontario Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19.

Protected grounds

“Protected grounds” means the prohibited grounds for discrimination in the delivery of services that are set out in s. 1 of the OHRC, which include age, ancestry, colour or race, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, creed, family status, marital status (including single status), gender identity or gender expression, sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding), and sexual orientation. 

For definitions above that are based on a legislative definition, the definition in the legislation prevails in case of conflict or change.

Accommodation request process

Accommodation(s) for examinations are made solely upon the voluntary self-identification of need by the requester. TSSA respects the requester’s right to maintain privacy and dignity; however, in order to best determine the most appropriate accommodation, TSSA requires the examination candidate to:

  • Provide a full description of the candidate’s disability and the accommodation needs, in writing using the Examinations Disability Accommodation Application, at the earliest possible stage in the certification process.

  • Provide all available supporting information and documentation relating to the disability.

    • For candidates indicating a learning disability, a Ministry of Education approved Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be required.

    • All other supporting documentation must be current (i.e., within the last three years), issued by a qualified medical professional, printed on official letterhead, and signed. Note: a doctor’s note does not constitute a valid form of supporting documentation.

  • Participate in further discussions regarding possible accommodation solutions with TSSA; and,

  • Inform TSSA promptly of any relevant changes to the disability or accommodation needs.

Requests must be made in writing by email to certandexams@tssa.org or by submitting hard copy documentation via courier.

Examination candidates are required to submit a completed Examinations Disability Accommodation Application (pdf) and are encouraged to review “Making an examination accommodation request,” below, for further information.

Requests for examination accommodations can be made on behalf of the candidate by the Accessibility Learning Services, Disabilities Office, Counselling and Accessibility Services, Disability Advisor, etc. of an Accredited Training Provider. In these instances, a formal request printed on official letterhead and signed by the Disability Advisor, Counselling Advisor, etc. is required for submission with the candidate's Examinations Disability Accommodation Application. The request must include but is not limited to the name of the examination candidate, date of birth, other relevant contact information, accommodation type(s) or recommendations, date of accommodation assessment/expiration, etc.

When a request for accommodation on the basis of a disability is received, TSSA will consider the following while evaluating the request:

  • Is the request in relation to a requirement imposed by TSSA?

  • Does the candidate have a disability?

  • Is TSSA capable of providing the requested accommodation?

  • Would granting the accommodation impose undue hardship on TSSA?

  • Would granting the accommodation unduly risk health and safety?

  • Are there any alternate forms of accommodations that can be provided?

All accommodation requests must be pre-approved by TSSA before the examination candidate schedules/writes an examination. Examination candidates should recognize that the failure to disclose relevant information in advance of an examination or the refusal to cooperate with TSSA may hinder or delay the accommodation process.

Making an examination accommodation request

Examination candidates with disabilities who may require accommodations for a TSSA certification examination are required to submit documentation for assessment before scheduling/writing an examination. To make a request:

  1. Download and complete the Examinations Disability Accommodation Application (pdf).

  2. Include all supporting information and documentation relating to the disability/accommodation request.

    • For candidates indicating a learning disability, a Ministry of Education approved Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be required.

    • All other supporting documentation must be current (i.e., within the last three years), issued by a qualified medical professional, printed on official letterhead, and signed.

  3. Submit the completed request to TSSA via email to: certandexams@tssa.org or via courier to:  
    TSSA Certification and Examinations Department  
    345 Carlingview Drive  
    Toronto, Ontario  
    M9W 6N9  
    Attn: Examination Accommodation Request

A Certification and Examinations Department representative will respond to the request for examination accommodations advising of the status within five business days of receipt.

Accommodation examples

Accommodations and/or special measures are individually based and disability specific. Examples of examination assistance accommodations may include, but are not limited to:

  • Extended time to complete examinations.

  • Use of special equipment such as a computer.

  • Use of private rooms or provision of another distraction-reduced environment.

  • Preferred seating.

  • Examinations in alternative forms such as text to speech.

  • Large print exams or magnification tools.

  • Supervised rest breaks.

TSSA will ensure all of its policies, procedures and practices comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and related standards, guidelines, directives and/or legislation.


All information obtained by TSSA related to an accommodation request shall remain confidential and such information will only be released by the TSSA or education service provider on a need-to-know basis, pursuant to the accommodation of the individual, and with the express permission of the applicant. TSSA is also subject to its Access and Privacy Code.

Terms or conditions on authorization

In the event that an examination candidate with disabilities is accommodated and such candidate successfully completes and passes the certification examination, the relevant statutory director may, at his or her discretion, and for the sole purpose of protecting public safety, attach restrictions or conditions to the certificate.

Amendments to this procedure

TSSA may amend its policy from time to time, and the amended policy will then become applicable and mandatory to all examination accommodation requests.