National Service

To help you register BPV or fitting designs across Canada, the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) offers a national service.

Boilers, pressure vessels (BPV) and fitting designs must be registered in each province or territory where the equipment will be used. 

As of January 1, 2020, design reviews conducted by provinces and territories in Canada will be mutually recognized by jurisdictions participating in the Reconciliation Agreement for the Canadian Registration Number for Pressure Equipment. 

The Agreement addresses concerns raised by manufacturers regarding the burden of registering designs and conducting business across Canada. Manufacturers faced barriers such as long assessment periods, different review criteria across Canadian jurisdictions, and delays in registration. To address these concerns, streamline access to Canadian markets and remove trade barriers, TSSA established the National Registration Service in 1999. 

How to register for National Service

If you would like the assistance of a consulting engineer throughout this process, you can find one here:

Step 1

Determine the type of non-nuclear pressurized equipment you want to register.

Step 2

Complete the Request for a Canadian Registration Number (CRN) in Multiple Jurisdictions (pdf) application form and provide the required supporting documents. If registering in British Columbia, please also complete and submit the following forms. TSSA will be adding the Project Name: which includes the "Registered CRN Manufacturer of the design" to the BC Qualified Professional Designation (pdf) Form once received. 

What to include with a BPV design registration application 

Electronic submissions of the following documents are required for National Service of boiler and pressure vessel designs:

  • One set of drawings and one set of calculations stamped by an Ontario-licensed professional engineer, in accordance with the guideline
  • One copy of a valid Quality Program Certificate for the vessel manufacturer. 

Designs of vessels over 6.09 metres (20 feet) requiring registration in British Columbia must include seismic calculations.

What to include with a fitting design registration application

Electronic submissions of the following documents are required for National Service of a fitting design. 

Please mail these hard copies to:

Technical Standards and Safety Authority          
 345 Carlingview Drive          
 Toronto, Ontario          
 M9W 6N9

Step 3

Each application for CRN registration must include a deposit of CDN $1,200 (which includes a $500 administrative fee) plus applicable taxes.

Prepay the deposit and submit the completed application form and supporting documents using one of the following methods: 

Credit card

Upload your submissions and pay by credit card on TSSA’s Prepayment Portal.

Wire transfer

Email your submission to and include a copy of the remittance from your bank. 

Please add CDN $15.00 to your remittance for bank handling charges for wire transfers. 

Use the SWIFT code: TDOMCATTTOR and the account number: 05200306317. 

For USD exchange rate information, please refer to TSSA’s Standard Billing Practices (pdf)


Email your submission to and include a scanned copy of your cheque made payable to “Technical Standards and Safety Authority”.

Mail your original cheque and a copy of your application form (only) to:

Technical Standards and Safety Authority          
Accounts Receivable          
345 Carlingview Drive          
Toronto, ON           
M9W 6N9

Step 4

In an email confirmation, TSSA will acknowledge the receipt of the application package containing the work order number and the assigned engineer reviewing the design.

Step 5

If the design application is approved in the requested province, TSSA will email the applicant the registration package from each jurisdiction along with the CRN. If the design application is incomplete, TSSA will request the applicant to provide the required information. This can delay the application process. 

Step 6

Fees will vary depending on the complexity of the design. Please note that total fees could exceed CDN $3,500. Any fees over and above the deposit amount will be invoiced.

Single-jurisdiction registrations

You do not need to use our national service to register in a single jurisdiction, such as for site-specific installations. Please contact the required jurisdiction directly.  

For Ontario only, you may register a design here.